Taste in ART....

Taste in ART....

ART ....is the process or product of deliberately arranging elements in a way that appeals to the senses or emotions.

Every persons view of art is different some like the paintings, sculptures, pottery etc etc... for me it varies from street art like banksy to paintings....
The art in picture above cost nothing to do just some recycled newspaper and a card board but the brilliant thing is the way the artist has used his imagination that's priceless.....
Every time I see it in my office I think god its so good and done just using newspapers........


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the follow! I love this art piece, and the low-fi ethic of which you speak. I've been getting into mail-art lately to supply my hunger for stuff on my REAL wall and truy believe that real art will be created if you have an idea, whether or not you have materials. The art should be natural and flow freely, and as is the case with the Einstein above, we see the if you have an idea it will materialise out of whatever is available.

    A great piece of art
